Saturday, January 1, 2011

PRO WRESTLING (NES) Released: 1987

Did you ever notice that you remember some really dumb things from your childhood?  This game reminds me of one.  My grandmother’s neighbor had a son and daughter who were mine and my brother’s ages, so we would spend a lot of time hanging out over there.  Their mother also played games from time to time, and I remember one specific time she was playing the original Castlevania, and she was on Dracula’s second form.  She had to get up to answer the phone, and seeing as how I was a jerk-off little 4-year-old, I turned the game off and put in Pro Wrestling because I wanted to play as Star Man, who, even to this day, I wish was a real pro wrestler.  Needless to say, she was none too thrilled and made me go back to my grandmother’s.  I don’t know why I remember this, it’s not like the woman still hates me to this day or anything, but I just don’t know why I remember this event so vividly, and I can’t remember important events that happened recently at all.

Another thing that is etched into my mind is my earliest memory of Engrish.  After each victory, the game displays a congratulatory message stating “A WINNER IS YOU!”

Pro Wrestling is also one of the first wrestling games to have a referee inside the ring with the wrestlers, and is the only wrestling game I can think of that has a cameraman on the outside of the ring filming the match.  The cameraman is unable to be interacted with, but this is about as authentic as you’ll get in terms of what actually goes on in and around a pro wrestling ring.

The game is pretty archaic by today’s standards, but this was the tadpole on the wrestling game evolutionary scale.  Because of this game, if I ever run my own wrestling promotion, it will be called the Video Wrestling Association, in honor or Pro Wrestling on the NES.

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