Saturday, January 1, 2011

WRESTLEMANIA (NES) Released: 1988

The ridiculous picture of Hulk Hogan on the front of the box should be a foreshadowing of the atrocious gameplay that comes with it.  The game only features a handful of characters, all featuring the same mentality of “punch the other guy until his life bar is empty.”  There really isn’t much to this game.  I don’t expect a lot from an NES wrestling game, but I do expect more than this.  Outside of the sweet 8-bit versions of “Real American” and “Cool Cocky Bad,” and the ability to do cartwheels as Bam Bam Bigelow, the game is mostly unplayable.  Every wrestler has pretty much the same move set of a limited number: punch, kick, run attack, body slam (only certain wrestlers), a back attack, and a turnbuckle move (only certain wrestlers).  I like to think of it as Double Dragon if it were confined to one screen.

If you have to have a wrestling game on NES, there are lots of better choices:  the aforementioned Pro Wrestling, WWF Steel Cage Challenge, WWF WrestleMania Challenge, WCW Wrestling, and Tag Team Wrestling, just to name a handful.

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