Saturday, January 1, 2011

WWF WRESTLEMANIA 2000/NO MERCY (N64) Released: 2000

And now we return to the other two-thirds of the “Holy Trio.”

I’ll be honest with everybody, I’m not a Zelda fan, and Super Mario 64 left something to be desired for a diehard Mario nut like me.  The PS1 had Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, and Symphony of the Night, and I was huge into the PS1, so my interest in the Nintendo 64 in 1999 was waning and I had nearly given up on the system.  It all changed with WrestleMania 2000.  I was always more into the WWF than I was WCW, mainly because the WWF had Undertaker, who has been my favorite wrestler since I was about 5 years old (if you ever watch one of my matches, you may notice a few moves of his that I rip off).

When you compare WrestleMania 2000 and Revenge, they look like the same game, only with different wrestlers.  Well, look again my friend.  WM 2000 had everything fans of Revenge had been asking for:  a better story mode, gimmick matches, the ability to create not only wrestlers, but entire stables and championship belts.  The Create-A-Wrestler mode was the best and easiest that you had ever seen in a game before or since.  Creating his appearance was only the beginning.  Not only could you create your entrance, but you could also create your entire move set.

The company I wrestle for, the Northern Wrestling Federation (, runs an annual show called Fanfest, which is basically a picnic type event where fans get to spend the day with the wrestlers before watching our version of WrestleMania.  This past summer was the third year we’ve done it, and we have the usual activities you would see at an event like this:  corn hole, a dunk tank, karaoke, and so on.  This past year, they made a deal with a local game store to set up some video games.  They brought in an arcade cabinet of some WWE game, they set up Rock Band (where me and some of the wrestlers put on a stellar performance of “Livin’ On A Prayer“), and one of our wrestlers brought in his N64 and his version of No Mercy, where he created every wrestler on our roster.  It kind of felt good that I was the most picked wrestler among the kids.

No Mercy is a direct sequel to WM2000, the game featured a bigger story mode, the ability to create female wrestlers, and the ability to individually edit every wrestlers four outfits.  Fans often debate which game is superior, similar to the way we also debate between Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World (*cough* Super Mario World).  But honestly, arguing about this is trivial.  Both games are incredible, and its really just about personal preference, can’t we just be happy that we were given two amazing games? (*cough* No Mercy.)

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